Work cent |
October was a very prosperous and a very photographic month. I found 2US pennies, 15 Canadian pennies, 4 dimes, 5 nickels
2nd: 2003 penny (a shiny new-looking penny) found in
front of MH (King Street side entrance) during my afternoon break walk.
4th: 2009 dime in Starbucks on Wellington
(found on my way in to work).
Going to the Dumpling House |
12th: 1984 penny at the office near a coat rack and a 1965 penny found during my lunchtime
walk, at the Petro Canada Station on the corner of Clarence Square and Spadina.
15th: 1977 penny found on the corner of John
and King (on south side of King, just east of John) during my lunch break.
Need some gas? |
16th: 1972 penny found on John Street, on
west side just north of King and a 2008 penny on John
Street, north of King, south of Richmond near Naz’s Falafel House.
Halloween Shopping |
17th: 1987 US penny, walk on back street
that lead to union station.
19th: 2009 dime found at the end of day,
at Union Station by entrance to track
21st: 2008 nickel, 1959 penny, 1975 penny,
1995 penny found just outside the Amazing Party and Costume Market Store (while shopping for Halloween costumes)
Window Shopping |
22nd: 2005 dime on Dundas, north side, east
of Spadina (lunch time walk en route to Dumpling House)
23rd: 2006 penny on Queen Street, N side in
front of John Fleuval shoe store
25th: 1990 US penny John and Adelaide, 1999 penny Queen street near Zara, 1993 penny on Queen and John (NE corner), 2011 and
1985 nickel Queen
near the H&M.
Glass Walkway |
26th: 2000 penny at the Petro Canada Station
corner of Spadina and Clarence Square
30th: 2005 dime and 2010 penny found in
the food court near the pizza place (foodies get funny when you take photos
near their stands) and a 1983 penny found in the indoor walkway bet
MetroCentre and Roy Thompson Hall
Food Court |
Total for the month:
70¢ Canadian, 2¢ US