Thursday, July 7, 2011

A two penny day

I was at a project management course today. I took the GO train to get to the course which was at King and Jarvis. That's about a 15 minute walk from Union Station. I like to get a seat and the 4:30 train home fills quickly which means I need to get to the station asap. I enter the platform off of York Street - quicker route to the platform.

In my brisk walk on this beautiful sunny day, as I'm passing Union Station I notice not one but two pennies on the sidewalk, about 5 feet from one of the hot dog vendors. Neither of these pennies are shiny and new. I fact they're both rather dull. One is a 1976 penny and the other is a 1985 penny. Interesting to see how different these pennies look. The leaves on the 1976 penny are raised more than the 1985 version.

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