Monday, February 27, 2012

Semi Poopie Monday

It's a semi-poopie Monday cause I was late for work. I did stay in bed a bit longer than intended, but that's not why I was late. I was late cause I couldn't find my car keys. They had fallen out of my coat pocket. I eventually found them on the closet floor. I left and house and was pulling into the GO train parking lot the same time as the train, which meant I'd have to wait til the next train - 15 minutes later.

On the plus side, I got to read Catching Fire - second book of the Hunger Games series. Quite enjoying it.

I also found two pennies today. The first one I found at lunch time. It was on ground at the Petro Canada gas station on Spadina at Clarence Square. The 1962 penny was lying near the gas bar/shop.

The next penny (a 1977 copper). This one I found after work. I was walking to my night class along Front Street and then I headed north on Jarvis and east on King. I was walking on the north side of King and in front of a shop called The Grange was this marvellous find. What makes it marvellous? It was my second coin of the day. That makes for a total of two cents today. Nice way to start the week.

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