Sunday, April 15, 2012


As I mentioned in my previous post, I pondered what effect the federal government's decision to stop producing pennies would have on my blog. Since that entry, street coins have been scarce. None were to be found anywhere. I thought people were hoarding their coins, especially the pennies since they will soon be extinct. I thought this was the end of the "Diary of a Street Coin Collector. I was going to  bid all my faithful reader adieu. 

And then, yesterday I found a couple coins. I needed some stuff a couple of shops in my local plaza. Leaving my car and crossing the parking lot to my first stop, I found a 2009 new looking penny in the parking lot. My second find was by the entrance door to my second stop of the evening. It was a 2009 dime. What a coincidence - both my finds were made in the same year.

Total finds for the day - 11¢.

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