Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday break cent

The Boomtown Rats sang about not liking Monday's. Ok, the song was about about a girl who shot a bunch of people at her school cause she didn't like Mondays but I think Mondays are not so bad, they just seem to come around very quickly.

Yes, I'm tired on a Monday and have a hard time hauling my butt out of bed and scramble out of the house, rushing to the train station hoping I don't miss it. On the plus side, most Monday's I find a  "copper" or two, like today.

I went on a my morning break with a co-worker - she needed stuff from one store, I needed stuff from the drug store so she did her thing and I did mine. I happen to have needed chips today - it's just that kind of day. Pringles were on sale so I bought the healthy type - multigrain cheddar and also regular Pringles. As I was paying for them I spotted a penny by the check out next to the one I was at. No one claimed it so I gracefully swooped down and nabbed that cent. Now that 1973 penny has joined the rest of my collection.

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