Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Average Wednesday

I didn't know what title to give this entry. Nothing exciting happened when I found it. Nothing exciting happened today. It was just an average Wednesday.

Today was my last day at my current office location. My office is relocating so we have boxes everywhere. Yesterday, my phone (and that of some of my co-workers) got cut off. Bell wasn't supposed to cut the phone til today but in their eagerness, cut some of the lines today. It was kind of nice - no one could reach me. But I needed to make work-related phone calls couldn't. I had to run around and find a phone that worked or I asked one of my teammates to make the calls since her phone was working.

Three of my work friends and I were going to this Korean place for lunch. One of my friends had been there before and said the food was yummy and she was right. The food was yummy. The restaurant, called Korean Grill House, is on Queen, east of Duncan. We were walking north on John towards Duncan, passing many other restaurants. In front of a place called The Ball Room, I found a green-edged 1993 penny. Copper does turn green so not surprising this one had a bit of green on the edges.

By the way, one day I'll get my act together and photograph the actual pennies I find, especially the odd ones and post the photos with the entry.

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